Designing for the web through prototyping

Textile 2024 week 15 note

This past week has been a lot of making web prototypes, namely in Framer, a tool that allows designer to design and publish web sites without coding. I learned how to make websites a long time ago, longer than most could imagine or want to imagine. It’s what led me to interaction design and user research. When you design software that nine times out of ten, or even more actually, comes to the world in a browser, if you’re not building an actual website, you’re building an application that shares many of the functions of one. So understand the web as material means you need to not just know what can happen in a browser, you have to sketch out how it looks and feels. You have to play around with how it scales and changes and adapt your design to that. This means you need to prototype before you build. We’ll make websites properly, digging deeply into front-end, but right now, design means seeing quickly how it works first.