
I have a new website! There it sits proudly on my domain (jimkosem.com), under my name. A piece of internets I claimed ages ago to be my spot out there on the webs. I could have started with the Shakespeare bit about names but we’re talking about domains which are even better.

Please, enjoy at your leisure and let me know what you think. I’m available and ready to do some design work for you if you have anything in mind. If not, happy to chat if something catches your eye.

It’s quite safe to say though that most designers would rather have a tooth pulled than design their own website. I had one that was functional for a while, one that cut to the chase and seemed to go over well with technical leader types. I wonder if that had to do with how simple it was or the fact that it was built in Jekyll and they could see through the pain of Ruby configuration I would have to go through to generate a static site.

Well, that beast is no longer, and I’ve ditched the static web and hopped on the decentralised social network open standard Activity Pub bandwagon with Ghost, all for your viewing and reading pleasure.

That’s right, reading. So expect a bit more writing going on there about design, technology and the culture and experience that evolves in between.